Get transparent windows and resize windows by just scrolling the mouse even on Windows XP

11:25 AM

Hello dear visitors,
Today I found a nice utility over the internet and i liked it and that's why i am now sharing it with you.
I have Windows XP installed on my desktop and Windows 7 on my Vaio notebook. I always wanted to see my XP windows to become transparent. I wanted my windows to be resized by scrolling the mouse rather than finding edges and corners to resize the window. Feewhee is a tiny, no-footprint utility that uses 900 KB of memory when running, and it runs fairly smooth, too.

How to run it
after downloading the .exe file from the link given at the end of the post.double click on the file to run it.

How to use it
for resizing the windows:Hover your cursor over a window title bar, then scroll up or down.
you will see that now you can resize as you wish.
for turning the window transparent:Hover your cursor over a window title bar, then scroll up or down with SHIFT key pressed.You will see that now you can adjust the transparency as you wish.the window becomes more transparent or opaque.

That's all Feel the Wheel/Feewhee does, but that's pretty handy for anyone who needs smaller windows or occasional transparency.

Download (only for Windows)

feel the wheel/FeeWhee[via Nattyware]

Enjoying using feeWhee as i am enjoying...I will write about next exciting thing soon.
hope you enjoyed the post.

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